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Travails of a Non-Swimmer

Running Better on the Treadmill

running dollI’m looking for ways to make me less tired on the treadmill.

The 3km Limit

At present I run 3km for 30 minutes five days a week, at 5.5 to 7.5km/h and a 2% slope. For a month that’s all the distance I could cover, and given my current condition (tired) after the run I don’t think I can go any harder or farther than that.

But I’d like to. I’d like to cover 5km in 30 minutes, at the very least.

While all the current rage is barefoot running, I’d prefer to wear shoes. I’ve been looking for ways to change my posture and form, as I feel that’s something I could try out immediately.

The Pose Method

Nicholas Romanov’s Pose Method seems to give good, sound advice.

Romanov, a former Olympic coach with a phys ed degree, has been coaching all his life and came up with this method for injury-free running. They have lots of free videos to explain the method.

Elements of Pose Running

  1. The Pose – move from one pose to the next as quickly as possible. Upper body relaxed, arms and legs relaxed. Keep knees slightly bent. One foot should be directly underneath the hip.
  2. Pulling – pull foot underneath hip. Do not drive forward or pull back with knees.
  3. Falling – allow yourself to fall forward. Use gravity. Do not bend on the waist or move hips forward.
  4. Landing – use the balls of your feet. No heel striking!

Romanov also has advice for treadmill runners and how to make adjustments to the method while on this machine.

A really easy to understand side-by-side comparison is also provided:

I really looked forward to trying these out tonight.

‘Yoga’ Breathing

Aside from form, I’m also not breathing right, often feeling that I’m out of air. I’ve read Runner’s World magazine’s article on breathing and wanted to try out “belly breathing” tonight.

First Try

I wasn’t able to get a machine with a mirror in front of it, but I tried out the principles. Since I am already not a heel-striking runner the forefoot approach was not too difficult to do (though mine is more “flat foot” or “midfoot” than forefoot). The pulling-foot-under-hip-part was also alright, like running in place.

After 3.5 km I was done for.

I guess it will take a while before I get this style of running and see measurable improvement. I see clearly, though, that I’ll need to take things slow. Not think of 5k, but instead do 3.5k for March, 4k next month, then 4.5k the month after, and so on.

As for breathing, I felt less breathless than before, which is a good thing. However, when I kept my mouth open, it dried quickly and make me thirsty. I would still like to be able to inhale deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Tonight’s Figures

Time with the Machines and Pool

  • Sit-up 40x (double the usual)
  • Leg Press 4.5 + 22.5kg, 40x (double the usual)
  • Abdominal 40x
  • Mechanical Horseback 10min
  • Running 30min = 3.5km at 5.5-7.5km/h, slope 2.0%
  • Pool 60min of whole stroke and drills (see here)
  • Lat Pulldown Skipped
  • Chest Press Skipped
  • Torso Rotation Skipped
  • Hip Flexer I wanted to do this but machine wouldn’t empty!
  • Back Extension Skipped

Things to do next time:

Notes to Self: Do

  • Breathe deeply. Breathe from the belly. You think you’re breathing deeply but it’s probably not deep enough!
  • Concentrate on deep breathing. Try not to read a magazine and see if you can focus your full attention to breathing.
  • Get a pair of thin-soled running shoes.

Notes to Self: Don’t

  • Stick out your belly. At any time. With both running and swimming. Think: alignment, alignment!
  • Think that you won’t like the breaststroke. It feels weird, but that’s only because you’re not used to it. Do a bit of the drills each day. You’ll get the hang of it!
  • Think the butterfly looks awfully stupid. When you start learning it you’ll see it has a purpose. Don’t keep negative thoughts about it at this point in your swimming life. Not good to have a prejudiced mindset.

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